Crypto Exchange using Indonesian Rupiah
Pintu is one of the most popular Crypto Exchanges in Indonesia that allows users to securely and easily buy digital assets using the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). My responsibilities are: - Building Pintu App's iOS and Android apps using React native - Building Intools/admin tools of an internal dashboard Frontend side using Next.js - Building Pintu marketing web page using Next.js Work: - Reduce average CPU usage by ~30% on the Earn and Trading feature (tested on a low-mid-end Android device) - Develop Reward, Buy Sell Limit Order for Pintu users from the beginning - Develop a Privacy screen in App Switcher for iOS (bridging between Swift to Objective-C) - Code profiling, improved the performance score metrics - Improve developer tools Timeline: Nov 22 - Present
Tech Stack
Limit Order Feature: Users can buy or sell their assets at a desired price
Reward Feature for Pintu Users

I am promoting the Limit Order feature (uploaded from Pintu Instagram account)

I am promoting Earn feature (uploaded from Pintu Instagram account)
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